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Our Researchers

Neil O’Leary

Dr. Neil O’LearyDr. Neil O’Leary’s current post-doctoral fellowship at the Ophthalmology Department at Dalhousie University has involved devising statistical methods for clinical data analysis and interpreting these for non-technically trained clinicians. This experience has also helped him to appreciate the real problems of decision-making in clinical practice.

His current research is concerned, primarily with assessing the changes in the structure and the function of the retina and optic nerve head in glaucoma in data obtained from optic disc photographs, imaging devices and visual field measurement. Other research he is involved with examines the everyday effects of glaucoma on patients.

He has an MSc. in Modern Methods of Mathematics from the University of Bath, UK and a PhD in Optics and Vision Science from City University London, UK; both applied his quantitative skills towards real-world problems.