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Glaucoma – A Patient’s Guide to the Disease, 4th Edition

Glaucoma - A Patient's Guide to the Disease book coverDr. Graham Trope, Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto, and founder of the Glaucoma Research Society of Canada, answers more than 150 questions about glaucoma, tests and treatments in this handy book.

Revised fourth edition published 2011 by University of Toronto Press. 81 pages, soft cover.
Cost: $15.00 CDN

To buy a copy, print out the form and send it with your cheque or VISA information to:

Glaucoma Research Society of Canada
1929 Bayview Ave., Suite 215E
Toronto Ontario M4G 3E8

All proceeds from book sales go directly to the Glaucoma Research Society of Canada and help support our research grants.